LACQUER Downtown 210 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78701

LACQUER North 11005 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78758

appointments recommended

(512) 476-1211

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Our Locations

lacquer downtown

2nd Street District

210 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701
(512) 960-4468
Mon-Fri 9am-7pm
Sat & Sun 9am-6pm
*By Appointment / Hours Subject to Change*

LACQUER Downtown is located on Guadalupe next to La Condesa (between 2nd & 3rd Streets), across the street from Urban Outfitters and the W Hotel.
Directions to LACQUER Downtown

PARKING: 2 hour free parking available for LACQUER customers with validation in the AMLI on 2nd garage. The garage entrance is on San Antonio St. between 2nd and 3rd Street.
Directions to AMLI Garage Entrance

lacquer north

near the domain

11005 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78758
(512) 345-3480
Mon-Fri 9am-7pm
Sat & Sun 9am-6pm
*By Appointment / Hours Subject to Change*

LACQUER North is located at 11005 Burnet Rd & Kramer, across the street from The Domain Northside. LACQUER is in-between bex+Co hair salon and Summer Moon coffee.
Directions to LACQUER North

Parking is free in the surface lot in front of and behind the shopping center.

Feedback & Reviews

We truly want everyone to have a great experience!

Customer feedback is important to us so we can know how we are doing. That's why we ask for feedback after every appointment via an automated system that sends our customers a text or email asking to rate their visit. We also want to know if you weren't satisfied with your appointment. You can call us or email us at (Downtown) or (North). We ask that any client who feels the LACQUER staff has not met their expectations must return to the same location within 24 hours for an accurate evaluation by management of the problem. If the service did not meet LACQUER's standards, a redo will be offered.

Referral Program

Refer a friend and you both save! Your friend gets 10% and you get 10% once they've redeemed their referral.

How it works:

Click on a location link below and you will be prompted to enter your email address (use the email address associated with your appointments at LACQUER) You'll be given a link to email or post on social media that is unique to you - anyone that books an appointment using this link will receive 10% off their service Once they come in for their service and redeem their 10% off, you will receive 10% off your next service

“Best ATX Mani/Pedi ” -- Austin Monthly